Wednesday, January 21, 2015

20 Word Poems

Poem # 1

I feel that my life is altering.
Trickling imminent clusters of events.
The throbbing, feverous, combustion of thoughts
That creeps into my mind.
I feel that everything is indecipherable.
Causing me to feel hysterical.
I feel like I am dissolving becoming a varmint.
I hear croons in the distance.
The transparency I feel within myself brings me to tears
The feelings within me are like an abundant monsoon of emotion
I cannot seem to defer
I become reticence in social situations
I keep mementos of these moments
Poem # 2
Life is like a monsoon
Altering and changing in ways that creep passed
Us without giving anyone time to react
The reticence that is abundant trickles feverously through the crowds
You can hear throbbing indecipherable croons in clusters all around
There is something imminent about to happen
The transparencies of combustions that seem to go off fill the air
The sky darkens; a hysterical scream is uncontrollable let out
Sounds like bombs begin to fill the introspection of one’s mind
Deferring their thoughts
The colors dissolve, as they get closer to the ground
People begin to seem like varmints running in all directions

Collecting mementos as they head to their cars

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