The poem Tocqueville was very interesting and yet disturbing to me. I felt that the writer was writing each section from different points of view, as well as adding his own memories into the mix. The author points out the struggles that people around the world are faced with such as having to chose between killing your child or having someone else kill your child in front of you. It is very difficult to read and think about what this poor man had to go through. It breaks your heart to know that there are places around the world as well as here in America where people are being tortured, forced out of their homes and just treated like they are not worthy of life. "What I fear is that I will meet the men who made me kill my child" (Mattawa, 31). For this man to fear seeing the men that first killed his wife and then made him kill his child is so painful. These men should be in jail or on death row, but instead they get to roam free while this poor man lives his life with the guilt.
I heard some horrible news today that three muslim american students were gunned down in there home. The forty-six year old male that killed them said it was over a parking spot dispute. Really? To kill over a parking spot is beyond anything I could imagine. These students were all very involved in the community and trying to make a difference in this world and for someone to kill them over an argument about a parking spot is just absolutely senseless. When I heard about this on the news it reminded me of Tocqueville and how certain things are hidden from the media.
great responses here, keep going!